Table of ContentsProject Participants

Ecological Knowledge Working Seminar
(May 24th - 31st, 1999)


Participant Agreement

The fundamental goal of the working seminar is to generate concrete results such as theoretical/conceptual statements, research designs, methodological approaches and tools recommended as best suited to the systematic study of ecological knowledge. In one respect or another, all seminar participants contribute to the achievement of this core seminar goal and its specific outcomes. Consequently, all seminar participants must have their contributions acknowledged and respected. In addition, all seminar participants require that their interests in and, de facto, 'ownership' of this seminar's outcomes be affirmed and protected.

In order to reflect these qualities, it is agreed that:

1. The working seminar's outcomes are acknowledged as being the intellectual and research property of all of those participating in the seminar.

2. The working seminar's outcomes will be broadcast and made available to the wider community only after the participants have had opportunity, within three years as of May 24th, 1999, collectively or individually, to assess, employ and/or apply them in research undertakings.

3. Authorship credit for seminar outcomes, technical reports, academic papers and related materials will be specified as the 'Ecological Knowledge Working Seminar Research Team', followed by either a specific note, page or foot/endnote naming all seminar participants.

4. Where appropriate, unique and notable contributions, such as participation in field-testing and data analysis, of specific participants will be acknowledged in foot/endnotes.

5. The working seminar's website will be only password accessible for three years beginning May 24th, 1999.

6. All seminar outcomes, technical reports, academic papers, field test data and related materials will be made available to participants through the website as well as in hardcopy where needed and when requested.

7. The written contributions of individual seminar participants will not be presented in the website or otherwise distributed without first having received prior written permission.

8. Individual participants are free to employ seminar outcomes in their own research with the understanding that appropriate acknowledgements will be provided, including recognition of the ecological knowledge seminar's funder, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Research Development Initiatives programme (grant # 820-98-1028).


I, _________________________________________________________ agree to abide

(print your name)

by the understandings and conditions specified in this Participants Agreement.


Signature: ____________________________________________


Dated: ____________________________