Table of ContentsBibliographic References

Web Based Directory
"Ecological Integrity and Management of Ecosystems."
A book by Stephen Woodley, George Francis and James Kay. This site includes reviews of the chapters contained within, and a list of the key features.
"Committee for the National Institue for the Environment."
This library addresses environmental issues. It includes briefings of several books, service reports as well as an environmental virtual library.
"Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Concepts and Cases."
A book by Julian T. Inglis. This site discusses the contents of the book as well as odering information.
"The Nature and Utility of Ecological Knowledge."
A paper by Milton Freeman which discusses traditional ecological knowledge in comparison to scientific knowledge and its use in modern understanding with case studies.
"The North Yukon Ecological Knowledge Cooperative- Melding Methods to Monitor a Caribou Commons."
A paper by P. Konfinasl, J. Eamer and, D. Russell which discusses the possibility of successfully managing a common resource.
"Inuit Circumpolar Conference."
This site includes a bibliography, several reports, case studies relating to traditioinal ecological knowledge.
"The Marine Science Information and Interaction Website."
This site includes informatioin regarding marine science. There is information concerning many marine species such as squid, otters and porpoises.
"Department of Fisheries and Oceans Website."
This site includes DFO statistics, library, publications and other DFO related links.
"Getting to Use in Traditional Use Studies."
This is a paper by Martin S. Weinstein which discusses what the use is in traditional studies and how the data should be analyzed. This site also includes suggested methodology.
"Aboriginal Mapping Network."
This site contains links to reports and methods of studying TEKas well as links to other TEK projects. Culture/TEK/index.html
"Traditonal Ecological Knowledge."
This site includes links to various studies and projects relating to TEK.
"Native Americans and the Environment, Traditional Environmental Knowledge"
This site gives several links to reports and projects regarding different aspects of TEK.
"Sacred Ecology;Traditional Ecological Knowledge."
This website contains an order form for Sacred Ecology; Traditional Environmental Knowledge, written by Berkes, Fikret.
"Bridging Tradtional Ecological Knowledge and Ecosystem Science."
This site addresses questions, such as, how the differences in world views can be bridged? How can expert tradtional hunters and fishers communicate and work with university tranined scientists? etc.
"Traditional Ecological Knowledge."
An interactive site which allows you to submit comments regarding Ecological Knowledge as well as visit the 'Environmental Bulletin Board.'
"Ecological Research Links."
This page contains many links to various forms of ecological research. It includes traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous knowledge, as well as many others.
"Ocean Conservation."
This is a DFO site which includes links to integrated management, marine protected areas, and marine ecosystem health, Canada's Ocean Act, etc.
"Institute for Resource Management and Environment, UBC."
Under the projects heading is a summary of a coastal zone management workshop which was designed for collaborative research on ecosystem based management in the coastal zone.
"The DFO Maritimes Region."
This homepage has links to various interests and projects taking place in the maritimes.
"Conservation Websites"
This site contains links to Canadian and American conservation. These links are fish and wildlife related.
"The American Fisheries Society."
The society was organized in 1870 to promote the conservation, development and wise utilizatioin of the Fisheries. The site includes links for membership, events, publications and new development.
"Natural Resource and Data Collection and Consultation."
This program specializes in scientific data collection through spawn collection, fish sampling, scale reading and surveys.
"The Ecogical Society of America."
The site contains fisheries management approaches in various papers.
"Atlantic Coastal mapping Projects."
This site contains an inventory of Atlantic Coastal Mapping Projects, these are used as an aid in coastal zone management and sustainable development of atlantic canada.
"Indigenous Knowledge and Devleopmental Monitor (IKDM)/Indigenous Knowledge Development."
The international indigenous knowledge and develpoment network (contains 2500 participants from 106 countries) which aims to facilitate indigenous knowledge, and indigenous knowledge centers.
"Native Americans and the Environment: Traditional Environmental Knowledge."
This site includes links articles and bibliographies on environmental issues facing Native Americans in the United States as well as in Canada.
"Gwich'in Environmental Knowledge Projects."
The Gwich'in Environmental Project is a collection of information on tradtional environmental knowledge, based in the arctic region of the Northwest Territiories.
"Florida Center for Environmental Studies."
This site includes many links to information regarding the management of Florida ecosystems.
"Co-operative Management."
This site includes a brief definition of co-operative management, as well as a reference document for both community level management, and government working with locals. This site also includes a compiled bibliography on co-operative management.
"Sustainable Fisheries Strategy: Communities."
Major marine fisheries are at a crossroads. In spite of increasing capacity and efficiency of worlds fishing fleets catches have dropped dramatically.  This site discusses
"First Nations Environmental Knowledge Systems (NKS) and Approaches to Natural Resources."
This site links to a project dedicated to environment oriented research based in Indigenous communities, the transfer of knowledge and determining pririties with in communities.
"Traditional Environmental Knowledge."
This site outlines some key elements which define a traditionl environmental kowledge system, also suggests ways to preserve and protect natural resources and the environment.
"Traditional Knowledge Research and Policy Development."
This program is part of the Participatory Action Research methodology to the documentation of traditional ecological knowledge. This site outlines several TEK projects which are underway.
"Improving First Nation Access to Fisheries Science."
The goals the program in this site is to make fisheries science more responsive to First Nation communities, to increase First Nation enrollment in fisheries science and also to establish research projects with First Nation communities, government, acedemic institutions.
"The Ecological Monitoring and Assesment Networks (EMAN) Report on the Second National Science Meeting."
This site includes links to several presentations, summaries etc., in relation to the conference which was held in Halifax on Jan 17-20, 1996.
"The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN)."
This is the third annual report from the third annual meeting held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on January 21-25, 1997. This site includes summaries and conclusions.