Departments of Sociology/Anthropology

& Women's Studies

Mount Saint Vincent University

166 Bedford Highway

Halifax, Nova Scotia  B3M 2J6  Canada

phone: (902) 457-6536          fax: (902) 457-6455






Ph.D. 1980-1987. University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology

Thesis Title: Banking Transformed: Women's Work and Technological Change in a Canadian Bank


M.A. 1976-1978. University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology


B.A. (Honours) 1972-1976. University of Manitoba, Department of Anthropology







1992                Mount Saint Vincent Alumnae Award for Teaching


Research Grants


2000-2004       Mount Saint Vincent University Internal Research Grant

Topic:  Women and Finance Sector Unions in Canada: the Challenge of Change (granted one-year extension)

1999-2002       Mount Saint Vincent University Internal Research Grant (with Dr. R. Zuk)

Topic: Responses to Art at a Women’s University

1994-1999       Mount Saint Vincent University Internal Research Grant

Topic: Financial Sector Unionism:  An International Comparison

1991-1995       Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Strategic Grant. Theme: Women and Work

1988-1989       Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship (York University)


Graduate Scholarships


1983-1984       University of Toronto Open Doctoral Fellowship

1980-1983       Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship (University of Toronto)

1977                Ontario Graduate Scholarship (University of Toronto)

1976                Margaret and Nicholas Fodor Graduate Fellowship (University of Toronto)


Undergraduate Scholarships


1974                William Osborne Scholarship (University of Manitoba)

1973                Isbister Undergraduate Scholarship -- Arts (University of Manitoba)

1972                School District of Whiteshell Scholarship (Pinawa, Manitoba); The Alumni Association of the University of Manitoba Award for Excellence





July 1, 1997 - present

Associate Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University, Departments of Sociology/Anthropology and Women’s Studies


July 1989 - June 1997

Assistant Professor, Mount Saint Vincent University, Departments of Sociology/Anthropology and Women's Studies (tenured effective July 1, 1994)


Courses Taught: Introductory Sociology; Social Problems; Introduction to Archaeology; The Family in Comparative Perspective; Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women; Senior Seminar in Sociology/Anthropology -- second half; Focus on Women; Focus on Women II; Introduction to Feminist Critique; Women, Resistance and Empowerment; Women's Studies Methodologies; Advanced Methods: Projects in Women's Studies; Women’s Studies Senior Seminar (Working Women’s Lives:  Women and Their Experiences of Paid Work); Directed Studies (Course Titles: 1) Gender Socialization: Analysis and Critiques; 2) The Invisible Hands: Women and Work in Rural India; 3) Beyond Retirement: The Needs of Elderly Lesbians)                

Graduate Courses: Feminist Methodology (Fall 1996, Winter 2000); Independent Study: Gender, Globalization and Restructuring: Challenges to Women’s Work in Canadian Banks (Winter 1999)


September - December 2000

Taught one course at the American University in Cairo, department of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology, entitled:  Cultural Anthropology


July 1, 1991 - June 30, 1993

Honourary Adjunct Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University


July 1987 - August 1988

Lecturer, University of Regina, Department of Sociology and Social Studies


May 1987 - August 1987, September 1986 - April 1987

Instructor, University of Toronto, Erindale College, Department of Anthropology


Teaching Assistant, University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology: May 1986 - July1986; September 1985 - April 1986; May 1985 - June 1985; September 1984 - April 1985; September 1983 - April 1984; September 1977 - April 1978


June 1976 - August 1976

Field laboratory director at an archaeological project in Sackets Harbor, New York

Employer:    The State University of New York at Albany

Project:        Excavation of a British Revolutionary warship, and the preservation and recording of artifacts


July 1975 - mid-September 1975 (full-time); mid-September 1975 - May 1976 (part-time)

Research Assistant in the Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, for Dr. C.T. Shay


Thesis Committees:


Mount Saint Vincent University


MA Thesis Supervisor: Women’s Studies


Monnah Green (October 2002 - present)

Thesis Topic:                  Female Clerical Workers and Job Stress


Viola Winstanley (September 1998 - present)

Thesis Title: “You Can Avoid the Line by Using the Machine”: Tellers and Technology


Honours Thesis Supervisor: Sociology/Anthropology


Cristina Inzunza (January - April 1991)


Honours Thesis Supervisor: Women's Studies


Marian Pelletier (May 1997 - April 1998)

Thesis Title:  "Rural Kenyan Women’s Political Activism: The Colonial Period to the Present"


Harolyn Wilson (September 1993 - May 1994)

Thesis Title:  "Women's Experience/Spirituality/Strength: Do Women's Stories Embody the Sacred?"



Regina Dambe (May 1992 - August 1993)

Thesis Title:  "Education and Training Needs of Transition House Workers in Nova Scotia"


Sherap (Andrea) Winn (July 1991 - May 1993)

Thesis Title:  "Women in Computer Programming and the Potential for Change"


Roberta McGinn (September 1990 - September 1991)

Thesis Title:  "Gender Dimensions of Worker Co-Operatives in Nova Scotia"


Heather Kitchin (Dunbar) (September 1989 - September 1990)

Thesis Title:  "Five "Criminals" - Five Women: Transcending Determinate Views of Androcentric Criminology Through the Contextualization of Female "Crime""


MA Thesis Committee Member: Women’s Studies


Suzanne Musgrave (January - July 2000)


Honours Thesis Committee Member: Sociology/Anthropology


Brenda Chisholm (January - April 1999)

Trina Roache (September 1998 -) (dropped Honours)

Jocelyn Yerxa (September 1997 - September 1998)

Lori Anne Jones (September 1996 - May 1997)

Richard McConnell (September 1994 - May 1995)

Margaret Ferguson (September 1993 - March 1994)


Honours Thesis Committee Member: Women's Studies


Linda Kearley (September 2002 - August 2003)

Janne Cleveland (September 1998 - April 1999)

Andrea McIntyre (September 1990 - May 1991)

Kike Bello (September 1990 - September 1993)


Other Universities


External Examiner for M.A. Thesis, Department of Sociology, Acadia University

(April 1999)

Student: Tracey Adams

Thesis Title: Old Strategies, New Game: The Changing Health Care System and Its Impact on Care Givers in Long Term Care Facilities in Nova Scotia


External Examiner for M.A. Thesis, Department of Sociology, Acadia University

(February 1999)

Student: Jeanne Greenough

Thesis Title: Women-Centred Corrections: Creating Choices for Federally Sentenced Women or a Continuation of Paternalistic Practices?


External Examiner for M.A. Thesis, Department of Sociology, Acadia University

(August 1995)

Student:  Victoria Sweeney

Thesis Title:  The Social Support Networks of Older Lesbians:  A Creative Response


External Examiner for M.A. Thesis, Department of Sociology, Acadia University

(September 1993)

Student: Lisa L. Speigel

Thesis Title: "It's their code of ethics": Sexual Harassment of Women in Trade, Technology and Operative Occupations


External Examiner for M.A. Thesis, Department of Sociology, Acadia University

(May 1993)

Student: Angie Chase

Thesis Title: Making Ends Meet: Women's Factory Work Experience


External Examiner for M.A. Thesis, Department of Psychology, Saint Mary's University (February 1993)

Student: Karen MacDonald

Thesis Title: Worker Attitudes Towards Pay Equity: Job, Union and Women's Equality  Factors  


Committee member on Jennifer Schofield’s M.A. Thesis Committee, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University (September 1996 - September 1997)

Thesis Committee Chairperson: Professor Jennifer Jarman

Committee Members: Professor Richard Apostle, Professor Herb Gamberg


Committee member on Barbara Cottrell's M.A. Thesis Committee, School of Education, Dalhousie University (1993 - April 1995)

Thesis Committee Chairperson: Professor Ann Manicom

Committee Member: Stella Lord


Committee member on Heather Kitchin's M.A. Thesis Supervising Committee, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University (August 1991 - August 1992)

Thesis Committee Chairperson: Professor Barbara Keddy

Committee Member: Professor Herbert Gamberg


Course Supervisor in Directed Reading graduate course for Heather Kitchin, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University (January - April 1991) Topic: Feminist Methodology




Research in Progress:


1.    My current research, for which I have been awarded an MSVU Internal Research Grant (2000-2004, including a one-year extension), attempts to understand and explain women’s experiences of joining and becoming active in unions in the Canadian finance sector, in the context of changes which the finance sector is and has been undergoing, especially within recent years:  in particular, global financial competition which has enhanced financial institutions’ investment in extensive technological change and workplace restructuring, the expansion of financial deregulation and the possibility of bank mergers.  I would like to determine whether these changes influence the conditions and security of work for women in the finance sector in such a way as to have an impact upon the possibilities for, and interest in, unionization in that sector.


2.    From June 1999 to July 2000, I worked with Dr. Rhoda Zuk on a piece of collaborative research which extends the analysis of “chilly climate” issues for students beyond the classroom.  We examined comment books associated with several woman-centred art exhibits featured in the Mount Saint Vincent University library over a two-year period.  In particular, we were concerned to understand and analyze the large minority of comments which comprise an often hostile debate concerning women artists, women’s equality, and women’s academic institutions.


       In addition to a publication in the Journal of International Women's Studies which arises from this research (see below), we have a paper entitled "Leaving the Gallery, Entering the Fray: Feminist Curating in Public Space" forthcoming for publication in the journal Resources for Feminist Research (RFR/DRF).


3.    Research which I developed during my 1995-1996 sabbatical and for which I was awarded an MSVU Internal Research Grant, expanded on my research in the unionization of finance sector workers in Canada to include an international comparative dimension. Specifically, I compared the union experiences of Canadian finance sector workers with workers in the Australian finance sector, and situated both in an international framework of finance sector unionism. This research grew out of my ongoing Canadian research, for which I was awarded a three-year SSHRCC Strategic Research Grant (which was extended for one year), on the development and consequences of union activism and leadership among women who are active in their unions. I have also explored the impact of such activism on unions' success, and assessed to what extent it either encourages or discourages participation in and support of unions among women who constitute the rank and file.




Publications in Refereed Journals


Forthcoming, With Dr. Rhoda Zuk. "Leaving the Gallery, Entering the Fray: Feminist Curating in Public Space".  RFR/DRF (Resources for Feminist Research/Documentation Sur La Recherche Feministe).

2000 With Dr. Rhoda Zuk.  “Could we be any more feminist? Make me barf: Responses to Art at a Women's University”.   Journal of International Women's Studies  2(1) November.


1998 "Is Coed the Best Ed For Women?  Women-Centred Education in Canada and the United States: An Interview With Jadwiga S. Sebrechts, President, Women’s College Coalition, Washington, DC". Atlantis.  A Women’s Studies Journal 22(2):127-135 (Spring).


1998 "Hearing and Writing Women’s Voices". RFR/DRF (Resources for Feminist Research/Documentation Sur La Recherche Feministe) 26(1 and 2):31-53.


1997 "Bank Unionism in Canada and Australia: International Lessons?" Australian-Canadian Studies 15(1).


1991 "Some Unions are More Equal than Others: A Response to Rosemary Warskett's "Bank Worker Unionization and the Law"". Studies in Political Economy 34:219-233 (Spring).


1987 "Doing Fieldwork in a Canadian Bank: Issues of Gender and Power". Resources for Feminist Research 16(4):45-47.


Chapters in Refereed Books


1995 ""I Know Now That You Can Change Things"  Narratives of Canadian Bank Workers as Union Activists".  In: Ethnographic Feminisms: Essays in Anthropology, S. Cole and L. Phillips, eds., pp.157-176. Carleton University Press. 


This paper was originally written for, and presented, at the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) Annual Conference, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, May 8-12, 1991. Original title:  "The Use of Life Histories in Feminist Research: Union Leadership and Women Bank Workers".


1993 "Reflections on Life Stories: Women's Bank Union Activism". In: Women Challenging Unions:  Feminism, Democracy, and Militancy, Linda Briskin and Patricia McDermott, eds., pp.62-86. University of Toronto Press.


This paper was initially written for, and presented, at a conference on "Women and Unions", sponsored by York University and held March 20-21, 1992; it was also presented at the Atlantic Association of Sociologists and Anthropologists Annual Meeting, held at Mount Saint Vincent University, March 12-15, 1992.


Other Publications


Book Reviews


2002 “Ann Eyerman.  Women in the Office.  Transitions in a Global Economy.”  Socialist Studies Bulletin 66:6-8.  January-February-March.

2001 “Rae Bridgman, Sally Cole and Heather Howard-Bobiwash (eds.).  Feminist Fields: Ethnographic Insights”.  The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 38(1):107-109.


2000 “Karen Messing.  One-Eyed Science: Occupational Health and Women Workers”.  Resources for Feminist Research 27(3&4):151-153.


2000 “Sylvia Walby.  Gender Transformations”.  Canadian Woman Studies 19(4): 152-153.


1997 "June Larkin. Sexual Harassment.  High School Girls Speak Out".  The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 34(1): 114-116.


1996 "Nancy Folbre. Who Pays for the Kids?  Gender and the Structures of Constraint".  The Canadian Journal of Sociology 21(4):567-571.


1993 "Sharon Hartman Strom. Beyond the Typewriter.  Gender, Class and the Origins of Modern American Office Work, 1900-1930".  The Canadian Journal of Sociology 18:4(477-480). Fall.


Non-Refereed Publications


"Making Feminist Spaces in the University".  This paper was co-written by Dr. Linda Christiansen-Ruffman, Dr. Ann Manicom and myself, and is derived from a round-table discussion entitled "Making Feminist Spaces:  The Politics of Programme Development", which the three of us prepared and in which we participated.  (For details on this round-table, see below under "Papers Presented".)

In: Graduate Women's Studies: Visions and Realities, Ann B. Shteir, ed., pp.29-40. Inanna Publications and Education Inc., 1996.


1996  "Enterprise bargaining and the finance sector:  some strategic considerations".  Centre for Labour Studies Research Paper Series, No.5, February.  Adelaide:  Centre for Labour Studies, University of Adelaide.


This publication was originally a seminar presentation at the Centre for Labour Studies, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, November 3, 1995.


1992  "Gaining Workplace Control: Union Activism and Leadership Among Women Bank Workers in Ontario and Nova Scotia". ISER Conference Papers -- No.3, pp.85-118.


Papers Presented at the Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Association of Sociologists and Anthropologists, March 21-24, 1991. St. John's:  Memorial University of Newfoundland.


1986  "Gender behind the wicket: fieldwork as a bank teller in Toronto". Taboo 2:16-18. University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology Feminist Caucus.


1984 "Teller training, automation, and the reproduction of knowledge in Canadian banks". Taboo 1:50-58. University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology Feminist Caucus.  This paper was also presented at the Annual Meetings of the Canadian Ethnology Society, May 10-13, 1984.

      1979 "The Canadian campaign to end bank loans to South Africa". The United Nations Centre Against Apartheid Department of Political and Security Council Affairs, Notes and Documents.


Papers Presented/Sessions Organized at Academic Conferences:


Session Chair for the session “Possibilities and Challenges for an Inclusive Caring Labour Force”.  The Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual Meeting, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Dalhousie University/University of King’s College, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 1-4, 2003.  (Session jointly sponsored by the Canadian Women’s Studies Association.)


“‘Could we be any more feminist?  Make me barf’: Responses to Art at a Women’s University”.  Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association Against Sexual Harassment in Higher Education, Montreal, November 24-26, 1999.


Versions of this paper were also presented: 1) Dec. 8, 1999, during the Week of Reflection as part of “By the Skin of Our Teeth: A Feminist Art Action at the Anna Leonowens Gallery”, held Dec.7-11 and sponsored by the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Women’s Collective, Halifax, Nova Scotia; 2) Feb. 12, 2000, at the 20th Annual Atlantic Undergraduate English Conference, held Feb. 11-13, 2000 at St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia; and 3) March 10, 2000, at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, as part of International Women’s Week.


 “Upstream Against the Mainstream: Women’s Challenges to Finance Sector Unions in Canada and Australia”.  Paper presented at the Society for Socialist Studies Annual Meetings, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Bishop’s University/Université de Sherbrooke Lennoxville/Sherbrooke, Quebec, June 6-9, 1999.  I was also the organizer of the session in which this paper was presented.  Session title: Organizing Women: Challenges and Alternatives .


"Finding the Plot: Women’s Changing Work in the Australian Finance Sector".  Paper presented at the Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Manchester, England, and sponsored by UMIST and Manchester Metropolitan University, January 9-10, 1998. 


"Union Amalgamation in the Australian Finance Sector -- Benefit or Bane for the Future?" Paper presented at the Society for Socialist Studies Annual Meeting, Memorial University, June 7-10, 1997.  I also was the organizer of the session in which this paper was presented.  Session title: "Women in a Changing Trade Union Environment".


Participant in a panel entitled, "Equity in the Classroom -- Everyone’s Concern", CAUT Status of Women Conference "Doing Equity -- Strategies for Implementation", October 24-26, 1996, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

"Hearing and Writing Women's Voices". Paper presented at a conference entitled "Praxis/Nexus.  Feminist Methodology, Theory, Community", University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., January 18-20, 1996. 


"In Search of Feminist Finance". Paper, co-authored with Dr. Malcolm Stebbins, presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 1995 Conference, Windsor, Ontario, June 3-6.


Participant in a Round-Table Discussion (as one of three representatives of the Halifax Interuniversity Women's Studies Committee) entitled "Making Feminist Spaces:  The Politics of Programme Development", at the conference "Graduate Women's Studies:  Visions and Realities", York University, Toronto, May 26-27, 1995.


"Unions are Unions -- Or Are They?  Women's Union Experiences in a Bank and a Credit Union".  Paper presented at the Atlantic Association of Sociologists and Anthropologists Annual Meeting, Dalhousie University, Halifax, October 13-16, 1994.


"Where in the World is Feminist Finance?" Paper, co-authored with Dr. Malcolm Stebbins, presented at the Alternative Perspectives on Finance conference, held in Bled, Slovenia, June 30-July 2, 1994.


"Writing Women's Voices: How Do We Know What We Hear?" Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual Meeting, University of Calgary, June 10-13, 1994.


"Working with Women Unionists in Canadian Financial Institutions: Activism or Research?" Paper presented at a joint session at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association and the Canadian Women's Studies Association Annual Meetings, Carleton University, June 2-7, 1993.


A version of this paper was also presented at the Atlantic Canada Workshop "Strategies for Change in Atlantic Canada", held in Cheticamp, Nova Scotia, September 23-26, 1993.


"Bank Unionism in Canada and Australia: International Lessons?" Paper presented at the Association of Canadian Studies in Australia and New Zealand biennial conference, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, December 14-16, 1992.


"Trading Unions: Bank Workers and the "House of Labour" in Canada". Paper presented at a joint session at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association and the Society for Socialist Studies Annual Meetings, University of Prince Edward Island, May 28-June 2, 1992.


Co-Ordinator for a Round table on Feminist Methodology, jointly sponsored by the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, the Society for Socialist Studies, and the Methodology Network, and held on June 2, 1991, during the Learned Societies Conference, 1991, at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.


"Organized Labour and the Transformation of Women's Work in Canadian Banks". Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual Meeting, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, May 26-30, 1990.


"Unionizing Canadian Bank Workers: Time for a Change?". Paper presented at the International Colloquium: Gender and Class, held at the University of Antwerp, Antwerp,  Belgium, September 18-20, 1989.


"Organizing and Staying Organized: Issues for Bank Workers". Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual Meeting, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, June 3-6, 1989.


"Union and Community: The Case of the Bank Workers in Antigonish". Paper presented at the Canadian Ethnology Society Annual Meetings, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, May 20-23, 1989.


"Being the `part-time girl': The ideology and reality of women's work in a Canadian bank". Paper presented at the Canadian Ethnology Society Annual Meetings, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 11-15, 1988.


Other Academic Presentations:


"Women, Enterprise Bargaining and the Australian Finance Sector Union:  Some Strategic Considerations for a Changing Union".  Seminar presentation, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 20, 1996.


"The Pitfalls of Enterprise Bargaining:  Reflections on the Experiences of Financial Sector Workers in Canada".  Seminar presentation for the Labour Studies Club, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, October 13, 1995.


"Women's Studies: Issues and Perspectives".  Presentation as part of the Graduate Common Colloquia Series, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco, February 20, 1995. 


"Doing Feminist Research: Issues and Questions".  Presentation in the 1991-92 Graduate/Faculty Seminar Series, Leisure Studies Division, School of Recreation, Physical and Health Education, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 4, 1991.


"Unionizing in Canadian Banks: Issues and Problems in the Organizing of Women Workers". Dalhousie University Women's Studies Fall Seminar Series, Halifax, Nova Scotia. October 12, 1989.


Other Academic Writing:


December 2002-January 2003: Evaluation of the manuscript Managing the Struggle: Career Strategies of University-Educated Women for the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme, The Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.


August-September, 1998: Review of the manuscript Feminist Lives, Texts and Practice in Anthropology for Broadview Press.


December, 1990: Review of table of readings for the second edition of Sociology for Canadians: A Reader, by A. Himelfarb and C.J. Richardson, for McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited.

February, 1990: Complete text review of the upcoming edition of Sociology for Canadians: Images of Society, by A. Himelfarb and C.J. Richardson, for McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited.


March, 1988: Text review of preface and first six chapters of the upcoming edition of Sociology for Canadians: Images of Society, by A. Himelfarb and C.J. Richardson, for McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited.





Mount Saint Vincent University


Senate and Senate Committees


January 2002 - June 2004: Faculty representative on Senate


July 1999 - June 2000: Member, Senate Committee on Teaching

As a member of this committee, on October 15, 1999 I attended a half-day retreat for recipients of a teaching award from a university in Atlantic Canada, sponsored by the Association of Atlantic Universities’ Coordinating Committee on Faculty Development and held at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick; on October 16, 1999, I attended the fourth annual Atlantic Universities’ Teaching Showcase, also held at St. Thomas University.


January 1999 - June 2000: Faculty representative on Senate


July 1996 - June 1997: Member, Graduate Studies Committee


January 1993 - January 1995: Senate liaison with the Library Committee (continuing on as member of the Library Committee after the expiry of Senate term)


September 1991 - May 1994: Faculty representative on Senate (3-year term)


September 1990 - May 1993: Member of the Student Affairs Committee, Mount Saint Vincent University (3-year term)

Faculty Association


July 2001 - June 2004: President, Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association.  As the Faculty Association President I am also a member of the Board of Governors, and a member of the Board of Governors Campus Planning Committee, Finance Committee, and By-Laws Committee.  I am also the Finance Committee representative on the Subcommittee of the Campus Planning and Finance Committees.


As Faculty Association President I am also a member of the Joint Committee for Administration of the Collective Agreement.


July 2001 - June 2003: Faculty Association Representative to ANSUT (Association of Nova Scotia University Teachers) Council


May 1992 - April 1995: Vice-President, Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association, and member of the Joint Committee for Administration of the Collective Agreement


November 1991 - May 1995: Faculty Association representative on the President's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women


April 1990 - May 1992: Recording Secretary, Mount Saint Vincent University Faculty Association


Departmental Committees and Activities


March 2000 - present: Faculty Member, Cultural Studies Program


April 1999 - May 2000: DRC Chair for Dr. Randi Warne’s application for promotion to Full Professor


October - November 1998: Co-ordinated the organization of a mid-term social gathering in the Sociology/Anthropology department (November 6)


March 1998 - present: Member of the Sociology/Anthropology Department Honours Committee


July 1997 - June 1998: Chairperson, Women’s Studies Department


September 1997 - June 1998: Member of the Women’s Studies Department Curriculum Committee


August 1996 - June 1997: Mount Saint Vincent Co-Ordinator, Joint M.A. in Women's Studies


July 1993 - June 1995: Chairperson, Women's Studies Department


March 1992 - June 1995: Member of the Women's Studies Department Programme Review Committee


September 1991 - June 1995: Faculty Advisor for the Sociology/Anthropology Student Society


March 17, 1995: Presentation entitled "'Us' and the 'Other': Teaching Feminist Anthropology"; one of a series of workshops on feminist teaching organized by Dr. Maureen McNeil, Nancy Rowell Jackman Chair in Women's Studies


September 1990 - June 1992: Co-Ordinator of Student Advising for the Women's Studies Department, Mount Saint Vincent University


1990 - 1992: Produced, in conjunction with Dr. Frances Early, an informational pamphlet entitled "Women's Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University"


Autumn 1989: Developed, in conjunction with students in WOM310, a set of ethics guidelines for students taking Women's Studies courses


Other University Committees and Activities


July 2001 - present: Member of the Fair Treatment Policy Committee


October 23, 1998: Gave a “mock lecture” as part of the Mount’s Open House activities


March-May 1998: Participated in the organization of Dr. Margaret Conrad’s "Women, Work and Wellbeing" Conference, and in arranging for Dr. Marilyn Waring to be a speaker at that conference.  The conference was held April 30-May 2, 1998


March, 1998, 1999: Participated in the Student Union’s Women’s Recognition Award Committee


March 8, 1998: Participated on an International Women’s Day panel on the topic of "Feminism in the 1990s"


January 23, 1998: Presented my article “Hearing and Writing Women’s Voices” at a Brown Bag Lunch sponsored by the Department of Women’s Studies


April-May, 1997: Co-organized, with Dr. Margaret Conrad, a Mount Saint Vincent University Symposium entitled "Why a Women’s University?", held May 7


March 25, 1997: participated in a student forum on the NSCHE funding formula proposal


March 1994: provided interview on my research in Campus Connection


October 1990 - June 1995, September 1996 - June 1998: Member of the Nancy Rowell Jackman Chair in Women's Studies Committee 


November 1993 - June 1995, August 1996 - present: Member of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on the Institute for the Study of Women


October 1993: assisted Dr. Jane Gordon in the organization of Women's History Month at Mount Saint Vincent University


October 5, 1993: research presentation on financial workers' union activism as part of the Faculty Research Seminar Series


February 1993 - June 1995, September 1996 - July 2000: Member of the Fair Treatment Policy Committee (formerly known as the General Harassment Committee) involved in drafting a Fair Treatment Policy for the University


February - April 1993, February - March 1994, February - March 1995: Faculty Council representative on the 1993, 1994 and 1995 Alumnae Award for Teaching Committee


October 1992: Introduced Judy Erola, Honourary Degree Recipient, at Fall Convocation, 1992


January 1992 - May 1994: Member of Committee to rewrite the Student Judicial Code


October 1990 - April 1991; February - April 1993: developed, in conjunction with Dr. Carol Hill and Dr. Blye Frank, a draft proposal for a non-sexist language policy at Mount Saint Vincent University


October - December 1990: Member of the Ad Hoc Committee Concerned with Gender Issues on Campus


September - October 1990: Member of Interview Committee for the Co-Ordinator of Institutional Research


October 1989 - June 1995: Member of the Mount Saint Vincent University Women in Science Committee


Inter-University Committees


May - September 2002: Member of an Organizing Committee, struck at a Joint Women’s Studies Graduate Programme all-faculty meeting, which organized a Graduate Women’s Studies Working Meeting consisting of : 1) a reception/speaker event on September 27, 2002, and 2) a Graduate Women’s Studies all-faculty meeting on September 28, 2002.  The purpose of the Working Meeting was to discuss and evaluate the original vision and future directions of the Graduate Women’s Studies Programme.


September 1999 - June 2000: Member of the Curriculum Subcommittee of the Graduate Admissions and Programme Committee for the Joint M.A. in Women's Studies


December 1996 - June 1998: Member of the Interuniversity Women’s Studies Committee


February 1997 - June 1999: Member of the Advisory Committee to develop a Limited-Residency MA in Women’s Studies, Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland


November 1996 - June 1997: Member of the Appointments Subcommittee of the Graduate Admissions and Programme Committee for the Joint M.A. in Women's Studies


August 1996 - June 1997: Member of the Graduate Admissions and Programme Committee for the Joint M.A. in Women's Studies


August 1996 - June 1997: Chair of the Infrastructure Subcommittee of the Graduate Admissions and Programme Committee for the Joint M.A. in Women's Studies


August 1996 - June 1997: Member of the Curriculum Subcommittee of the Graduate Admissions and Programme Committee for the Joint M.A. in Women's Studies


September 1992 - September 1993: Chair of the Interuniversity Women's Studies Committee


July 1990 - June 1995: Member of the Interuniversity Women's Studies Committee


Service at Other Universities


September 1987 - August 1988: Member of the Curriculum Committee, Department of Sociology and Social Studies, University of Regina


September 1987 - August 1988: Member of the Departmental Review Committee, Department of Sociology and Social Studies, University of Regina


November 1983 - August 1988: Member of the Feminist Caucus, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto


September 1985 - August 1987: Member of the Selection Committee of the Melissa J. Knauer Award for Feminist Research in Anthropology


September 1985 - September 1986: Vice-President, Anthropology Graduate Students' Union, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto


September 1985 - September 1986: Anthropology Graduate Student Union representative on the Graduate Faculty Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto





1999 (August): External Evaluator for Dr. Linda Briskin’s application for promotion to Full Professor at York University

1998 (September): Reviewer for International Journal of Canadian Studies

1998 (September): Reviewer for Atlantis

1996 (September), 1998 (June-July), 1999 (June):  Reviewer for Resources for Feminist Research

1993 (January - June): Reviewer for Culture

1991 (March) -- 1993 (March): Member at Large on the Executive of the Atlantic Association of Sociologists and Anthropologists (AASA)

1992 (May - June), 1993 (November), 1996 (September): Reviewer for the Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology

1991 (March) - 1992 (April): member of the Organizing Committee for the 1992 Annual Meeting of the AASA, held at Mount Saint Vincent University

1991 - 1992, 1995: Reviewed SSHRCC Research Grant proposals

1990 - 1993: Reviewer for Atlantis


Previous Professional Service


September 1988 - May 1989: Assisted in co-ordination of "Making Connections: Workers and Communities", the 7th Conference on Workers and Their Communities, York University, May 26-28, 1989.





Atlantic Association of Sociologists and Anthropologists

Canadian Anthropology Society (formerly the Canadian Ethnology Society)

Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women

Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association

Canadian Women's Studies Association

Society for Socialist Studies





  Volunteer Organizations:


October 1989 - June 1995: Member of the Advisory Group for the Mount Saint Vincent University Life Planning and Learning Centre


November 30, 1993: panel speaker at a workshop on barriers to women's employment, sponsored by the Dartmouth Canada Employment Centre and hosted by Mount Saint Vincent University's Life Planning and Learning Centre




April 21, 1990: Zonta International District 1 Area III Spring Workshop, Truro, Nova Scotia. Topic: "Women - A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Significant Issues for Zontians".


January 22, 1990: Prince Arthur Junior High School, 902 Class, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Topic: "Women in the Work Force in Canada".




March 20, 1998: CBC Radio, “Maritime Noon”.  Topic: Why is there such a division between men’s and women’s work?


January 3, 1994: CBC Radio, "Maritime Noon". Topic: Women, Men and Who Does Domestic Labour.


October 31, 1991: MITV. Topic: Comments on pageants for women.


September 27, 1991: CHNS Radio. Topic: Unions in Canada today.


December 11, 1989: CBC Radio, "Mainstreet". Topic: Comments on the Montreal   Massacre.


October 23, 1989: CKDU Radio, Dalhousie University. Topic: Unionization of bank workers.

REFERENCES: Available upon request.