Stebbins, M.W. and Wendy Doyle, "The Stock Price Performance
of the 'The 100 Best
Companies to Work for in America'." Finance Section of the Atlantic Schools
of Business Conference (1989).
Ben Amoako-Adu, M. Rashid and Malcolm Stebbins, "Stock Price
Reaction to the 1985 Capital Gains Exemption: Theoretical Underpinnings
and Empirical Evidence." Mid-West Finance Association 1989 Conference.
Stebbins, M.W. and Wendy Doyle, "The Stock Price Performance
of the 'The 100 Best Companies to Work for in America' and The Stock Price
Performance of the 'The 100 Best Companies to Work for in Canada'" Colloquium
on Canadian-American Relations, Western Michigan University, September
Stebbins, M.W. and B. Densmore, "Stock Price Reaction of Canadian
Banks to the 1987 Special Provision for Losses on Transborder Claims (SPLTC)."
The Finance Section of the Administrative Science Association of Canada
Conference, June 1988.
Stebbins M. W. and B. Densmore, "Stock Price Reaction to Brazil's
February 20, 1987 Default on Interest Payments to Canadian Chartered Banks."
The Finance Section of the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, October
Stebbins, M. W., and Ben Amoako-Adu, "Stock Price Reaction
to the 1985 Capital Gains Exemption." The Finance Section of the Atlantic
Schools of Business Conference, October 1987. Awarded 'Best Paper' in the
Finance section.
Stebbins, M.W., "An Analysis of the Qualitative Selection Criteria
for the '100 Best Companies to Work for In Canada.'" The Finance Section
of the Administrative Science Association Conference, June 1987.
Stebbins, M.W., "The Stock Price Performance of the 'The 100
Best Companies to Work for in Canada'" The Finance Section of the Atlantic
Schools of Business Conference, October 1986.
Ascroft, S., A. MacGillivary and M. Stebbins, "Meritless Ingratiation,"
The Administrative Science Association Conference, March 1986.
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