Table of ContentsProject Description


Department of Sociology and Anthropology
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia


May 24th - 31st


Seminar Organisation and Topic Outline


May 24th Monday

7:00-11:00pm Evening meet, greet and mingle at St. Francis Xavier University Alumni Lounge, 2nd Floor, Bloomfield Centre


  • Wine and cheese (optional beverages will be available)

  • Information packets, updates and additional materials will be available and distributed at this time.


May 25th Tuesday

Theme: 'What is Ecological Knowledge?'

LOCATION: 2nd Floor, Bloomfield Centre, Council Chambers

9:00 am A. Davis - Opening greetings and comments from seminar organisers, including a review of seminar organisation, process, and goals.

9:30- 10:30am D. MacInnes - Review of perspectives taken in pre-submitted 'issues position papers' respecting the meaning of 'ecological knowledge' and related issues, followed by discussion.

10:30-10:45am Coffee Break

10:45-11:55am Outline and open discussion of the questions: 'What is Ecological Knowledge?'

  • Related Key Questions: 'What are the differences and similarities in the perspectives of native and commercial marine harvesters, fisheries scientists and social researchers on the meaning of ecological knowledge?'

  • 'What, if any, are the major differences at work within each ecological knowledge system?'; and,

  • 'What shoals should we avoid?'

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00-3:00pm First small group treatment of posited questions and issues (Note: each small group has been preorganised. In the materials distributed you will find a sheet which lists the groups and the names of participants assigned to each group. The room numbers for each group are also indicated. Also note that small group composition has been altered for the final two days of discussions.)
Each small group is asked to nominate a chair and a 'reporter'. The chair will be responsible for keeping the small group discussions focused on the 'seminar's themes and goals'. The reporter will be responsible for recording key points made through the course of discussions, for briefly presenting these points at the outset of the Plenary Session, and for providing a copy of comments for seminar staff at the end of each afternoon's Plenary Session. Reporters will be asked to spend some time working with the seminar staff in order to assure that cogency and coherence are embodied in the communication of the recorded key points. These small group reports will be processed into a document and copied for distribution and discussion at the outset of the following morning. Finally, each small group chair should reserve at least the final 15 minutes of discussion for group development of specific recommendations and discussion conclusions.

3:00-3:15pm Coffee break

3:15-4:30pm Plenary Session in which results from small group discussions are reported and conclusions are drawn with an emphasis on research tips and recommendations.

4:30pm Adjourn for the day


May 26th Wednesday

Theme: 'Fisheries Science Ecological Knowledge'

LOCATION: 2nd Floor, Bloomfield Centre, Council Chambers

9:00-9:30am A. Davis - Review of 1st day's outcomes and specification of 2nd day's questions.

  • 'What research designs would be best suited to documenting the characteristics of and differences within fisheries science ecological knowledge?'

  • 'What research methodologies would be best suited to the research designs proposed?'; and,

  • 'What would be models/designs of questioning?'

9:30-10:30am J. Phyne - Presentation review of perspectives offered in pre-submitted 'issues position papers', followed by discussion.

10:30-10:45am Coffee Break

10:45-11:55am Small Group Discussion

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00-1:30pm Reports from the morning's small group treatments

1:30-3:00pm Small Group Discussion

3:00-3:15pm Coffee Break

3:15-4:30pm Plenary Session in which results from small group discussions are reported and conclusions from the day's work are drawn, with an emphasis on research tips and recommendations.


May 27th Thursday

Theme: 'Native Marine Harversters' Ecological Knowledge'

LOCATION: 2nd Floor Bloomfield Centre, Council Chambers

9:00am A. Davis - Review of 2nd day's outcomes and specification of 3rd day's questions.

  • 'What research designs would be best suited to documenting the qualities of and the variations in native marine harvesters' ecological knowledge?'

  • 'What research methodologies would be best suited to the research designs proposed?' and,

  • 'What would be models/designs of questioning?'

9:30-10:30am A. Bundy - Presentation review of perspectives offered in pre-submitted 'issues position papers', followed by discussion.

10:30-10:45am Coffee Break

10:45-11:55am Small Group Discussion

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00-1:30pm Reports from the morning's small group treatments

1:30-3:00pm Small Group Discussion

3:00-3:15pm Coffee Break

3:15-4:30pm Plenary Session in which results from small group discussions are reported and conclusions from the day's work are drawn, with an emphasis on research tips and recommendations.

A lobster supper, catered by the Cape George Volunteer Fire Department's Ladies Auxillary, will be held at the Cape George Volunteer Fire Department Hall. A non-meat alternative will be available. This event will begin at 7:00pm. All taking part must assemble at 'International House' to meet the bus. The bus will be leaving at 6:30pm.


May 28th Friday

Geographical Information Systems(GIS)/Geographical Positioning Systems (GPS)-based Mapping: An Ecological Knowledge Methodological Tool Workshop

LOCATION: Reserved PC Computer Laboratory-University Library

Workshop Leaders: Kevin St.Martin (Clark University) and Lee MacNeil (Department of Fisheries and Oceans)

This workshop will introduce seminar participants to GIS/GPS and MapInfo software as a methodological tool for documenting attributes of ecologically-framed knowledge and marine harvesting practices/strategies. The basics of these resources will be introduced and several applications will be demonstrated. Participants will also be provided with the opportunity to learn through some 'hands on' experiences.


May 29th Saturday

Theme: 'Commercial Marine Harvesters' Ecological Knowledge'

LOCATION: Nicholson Annex, 2nd Floor, Room 125

9:00 am A. Davis - Review of 3rd day's outcomes and specification of 4th day's questions.

  • 'What research designs would be best suited to documenting the variations in and qualities of commercial marine harvesters' ecological knowledge?'

  • 'What research methodologies would be best suited to the research designs proposed?'; and,

  • 'What would be models/designs of questioning?'

9:30-10:30am J. Williams - Presentation review of perspectives offered in pre-submitted 'issues position papers', followed by discussion.

10:30-10:45am Coffee Break

10:45-11:55am Small Group Discussion

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00-1:30pm Reports from the morning's small group treatments

1:30-3:00pm Small Group Discussion

3:00-3:15pm Coffee Break

3:15-4:30pm Plenary Session in which results from small group discussions are reported and conclusions from the day's work are drawn, with an emphasis on research tips and recommendations.

Plans are underway for an evening ceildh, location and features to be announced.


May 30th Sunday - Excursion to Various Sites

The excursion will begin at 9:00am, International House. Plans are still forming for this excursion, although we will likely be traveling by bus around Cape George and then on to Canso and Little Dover. Both are potential 'field test' sites. Canso and Little Dover have been at the heart of the Nova Scotian fisheries for almost four centuries. We will be stopping at various sites along the way, providing ample opportunity for enjoying the vistas, ambiance and local cuisine. We will be arriving back in Antigonish in the early evening.


May 31st Monday - 'Synthesis'

LOCATION: Nicholson Annex, 2nd Floor, Room 125

9:00- 9:30am Review of the 5th day's outcomes, including a brief review of positive and negative methodological attributes frequently associated with social research. This will include a review of any points raised within the 'issues position papers'.

9:30-10:15am Moving toward a sythesis of seminar results with an initial general plenary discussion of lessons and directions in the design and conduct of research.

10:15-10:30am Coffee Break

10:30-11:30am Small group discussions

11:30-12:00am Plenary Session in which results from small group discussions are reported and conclusions are formed.

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00-4:30pm (with the needed break about 3:00pm) Defining specific outcomes re: likely best suited research designs and methodological approaches for the systematic examination of ecological knowledge systems.

  • Planning re: the 'ground-truthing' field tests (note: this activity will likely spill into Tuesday (June 1st) and, possibly, Wednesday (June 2nd) on the part of those joining the field testing segment).