Table of ContentsProject Description


Department of Sociology and Anthropology
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia


June 17th - 21st


Seminar Organisation and Topic Outline


June 17th, Saturday

LOCATION: Council Chambers, Bloomfield Centre

7:00-8:00 pm

Chair: Anthony Davis

Initial Plenary - Greeting and Opening Remarks for the purpose of reviewing the working seminar's organisation, intentions and goals.

Initial review of participants' submitted contributions and the challenges that these meet and pose.

8:00 - 10:00 pm - Jack's Bar, Bloomfield Centre

Evening meet, greet and mingle

  • Wine and cheese (optional beverages will be available)
  • Information packets, updates and additional materials will be available and distributed at this time.


June 18th, Sunday

Theme: Research Designs Best Suited for the Systematic Study of Contending Systems of Ecological Knowledge

LOCATION: IMMACULATA HALL (Across from St. Ninian's Cathedral), Room 202

Chair: Alida Bundy

9:00 - 10:30 am Opening comments respecting the importance of research design to the organisation and conduct of social research that offers promise for documenting, understanding and reconciling ecological knowledge claims. Participants are reminded that they will be asked throughout the working seminar to focus their thoughts and work on two qualities. On the one hand, for each of the empirical instances there are three systems of ecological knowledge claims - Native marine harvesters, non-native marine harvesters, and fisheries science/fisheries management public policy. On the other hand, these three systems frequently exist in a conflicted relationship where one system may occupy a hegemonic position relative to the others (e.g., fisheries science).

General Discussion

10:30-10:45am Coffee Break

10:30-11:55am Small working group treatment of the research design issue (Note: each small group has been preorganised. In the materials distributed you will find a sheet which lists the groups and the names of participants assigned to each group. The room numbers and locations for each group are also indicated.)

Note: Each small group has been assigned a chair and a 'reporter'. The chair will be responsible for keeping the small group discussions focused on the treatment issue - research designs best suited to the systematic documentation and study of contending ecological knowledge systems. The reporter will be responsible for recording key points made through the course of discussions, for briefly presenting these points at the outset of the Plenary Session, and for providing a copy of comments for seminar staff at the end of each afternoon's Plenary Session. Reporters will be asked to spend some time working with the seminar staff in order to assure that cogency and coherence are embodied in the communication of the recorded key points. These small group reports will be processed into a document and copied for distribution and discussion at the outset of the following morning. Finally, each small group chair should reserve at least the final 15 minutes of discussion for group development of specific recommendations and discussion conclusions.

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00-3:00pm Second small group treatment of the research design issue.

3:00-3:15pm Coffee break

3:15-4:30pm Plenary Session in which results from small group discussions are reported and conclusions are drawn with an emphasis on research design proposals and recommendations.

4:30pm Adjourn for the day


June 19th, Monday

Theme: Qualitative Methods and the American Eel Fishery


Chair: James Williams

9:00-9:30am - Review of 1st day's outcomes and specification of 2nd day's topics, approaches and goals. Review of pertinent information in the participants' submitted contributions.

9:30-10:30am - Small group treatments

10:30-10:45am Coffee Break

10:45-11:30am - Small group treatments

11:30-11:55am - Reports from the morning's small group treatments

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

Theme: Qualitative Methods and The Lobster Fishery

Chair: Nell den Heyer

1:00-3:00pm Small group treatments

3:00-3:15pm Coffee Break

3:15-4:30pm Plenary Session in which results from small group discussions are reported and conclusions from the day's work are drawn, with an emphasis on research methods proposals, specifics, tips and recommendations.

4:30pm - Adjourn for the day

Note: EcoKnow Dinner at Fresco's, College Street, 8:30pm.


June 20th, Tuesday

Theme: Quantitative Methods and the American Eel Fishery


Chair: John Phyne

9:00-9:30am - Review of 2nd day's outcomes and specification of 3rd day's topics, approaches and goals. Review of pertinent information in the participants' submitted contributions.

9:30-10:30am Small group treatments

10:30-10:45am Coffee Break

10:45-11:30am Small group treatments

11:30-11:55am Reports from the morning's small group treatments

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

Theme: Quantitative Methods and the Lobster Fishery

Chair: Daniel MacInnes

1:00-3:00pm Small group treatments

3:00-3:15pm Coffee Break

3:15-4:30pm Plenary Session in which results from small group discussions are reported and conclusions from the day's work are drawn, with an emphasis on research methods proposals, specifics, tips and recommendations.


June 21st, Wednesday

Theme: 'Synthesis'


(Note: the morning will be absorbed by the need for the seminar organising committee and support staff to prepare a coherent draft of any document or documents that have arisen from the previous days' work. Seminar participants are asked to assemble briefly for the purpose of receiving copies of drafted documents which they will be encouraged to read and consider over lunch. The working seminar will reconvene in a plenary session at 1:00 pm to discuss and to revise the draft document or documents.)

Chair: Anthony Davis

1:00-4:30pm (with the needed break about 3:00pm) Defining specific outcomes re: likely best suited research designs and methodological approaches for the systematic examination of ecological knowledge systems.

  • Planning re: the 'ground-truthing' field tests (note: this activity will likely spill into Thursday (June 22nd) and, possibly, Friday (June 23rd) for those planning to participate in the field testing segment).


Ecological Knowledge Working Seminar Adjourns